Yuri NAKAO - 中尾悠里
A principal researcher in AI Trust Research Center, Fujitsu Research, Fujitsu Limited.
A working Ph.D student in Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Univ. of Tokyo. (Supervisor: Prof. Yuko Fujigaki)
I received my master's degree in the field of Science, Technology and Society (STS) with the research theme of The Interaction between Copyright System in Japan and Information Technology. Since then, I have been conducting research activities with an interest in how artifacts gain power and how people and society change in the interaction between humans (society) and artifacts (especially information technology).
After completing my master's program, I joined Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. (integrated into Fujitsu Limited from FY2021). I have been involved in research and practical activities in the fields of machine learning, human-computer interaction (HCI), and STS.
Since FY2021, I have been a member of Yuko Fujigaki's laboratory as a working Ph.D. student. I'm studying technology development processes using Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) in practice.
After joining Fujitsu Laboratories, I mainly conducted the following research and development projects:
Creation of AI development methodologies based on a technology philosophy that takes into account the interaction between humans and AI technology.
Research on fairness, accountability, and transparency required for machine learning-assisted decision making, and research and development of interactive fairness-aware machine learning that can take stakeholder values into account.
Development of interactive tools and workshop processes to support deaf and hard of hearing people with machine learning in the context of accessibility.
Development of interactive recommeder systems that suggest locations in a city for strangers who would like to move to the city.
富士通株式会社 富士通研究所 AIトラスト研究センター所属
東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域システム科学系 社会人博士課程所属(藤垣研究室)
科学技術社会論(STS: Science, Technology and Society)分野で藤垣裕子研究室に所属し、「日本の著作権制度による情報技術の受容の分析」という研究テーマで修士号を取得。以降、人間(社会)と人工物(特に情報技術)が相互作用する中で、人工物がどのように力を持ち、人間(社会)がどのように変化していくかに関心を持ち研究活動を行う。
2021年度より藤垣裕子研究室の社会人博士課程に所属。責任ある研究・イノベーション(Responsible Research & Innovation)を実践的に用いた技術開発プロセスを研究している。
2024.09.29 I gave a presentation as an invited speaker at The Dark Side of Generative AIs and Beyond, a workshop at ECCV, an international conference in the field of computer vision.
コンピュータビジョン分野の国際会議ECCVのワークショップ、The Dark Side of Generative AIs and Beyondで招待講演を行いました。
https://sites.google.com/view/darksideofgenaiandbeyond/home?authuser=02024.08.02 I became a member of the expert panel on regulation and laws for AI in the Japan Cabinet Office.
https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/101_kishida/actions/202408/02ai.html2024.06.14 I gave a presentation titled "Toward the Establishment of Ethical AI Based on Human Interaction" at the satellite hybrid workshop “History and Philosophy on the Computing and Algorithmic Environments” at Japan Association for Philosophy of Science.
科学基礎論学会大会サテライトWS「コンピューティング・アルゴリズム環境の科学・技術史と哲学」で「人との相互作用に基づく倫理的なAIの確立に向けて」という発表をしました。 https://abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp/satellite-workshop_202406 Slides2024.02.21 My comments about the risks of generative AI were featured on the TV news program “News 23”.
テレビのニュース番組「News 23」で生成AIのリスクについて私のコメントが紹介されました。
「100%の断定は難しい」動画生成AI「Sora」vs「フェイク」検出アプリ…解析してみると【news23】2024.02.21 My comment about the fairness of AI was featured in an article on the Forbes website.
AI Ethics: 7 Crucial Qualities Of Ethical Leadership (forbes.com)2024.02.17 My interview by Kyodo News regarding the discriminatory risks involved in generative AI was featured on a website and in some newspapers.
生成AI画像に潜む〝差別リスク〟の恐れ 「経営者」は白人「テロリスト」は中東系…かつてヒトラー容認発言で公開停止の騒動も2023.12.22 I appeared on a YouTube Live called xTalk with four other scholars and talked about open source hardware and other topics.
xDiversity スピンオフ・シンポジウム企画「#xTalk(クロス・トーク)」第33回のYouTube Liveに出演しました。
【xTalk #33】小林茂×中尾悠里×遠藤謙×菅野裕介×島影圭佑 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGmFLk6lDm82023.12.11 I gave a presentation entitled "Transcending the Boundary between Companies and Universities: Challenges in Social Implementation of AI" at the FY2023 Symposium ofConsortium for Career Development of Ph.D.
https://www.tufs.ac.jp/event/2023/231211_1.html2023.10.15 A commentary article, "Design Method that Leads to Philosophy of Technology Based on AI-Human Interaction" was published in Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan.
日本ロボット学会誌に解説記事「AIと人の相互作用に基づく技術哲学を導く設計手法 」を執筆しました。
https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jrsj/41/8/41_41_696/_article/-char/ja/2023.9.15 Intersectional Fairness technology, of which I am one of contributors, has been approved by the Linux Foundation as an OSS project.
ContributorとなっているIntersectional Fairnessの技術がLinux FoundationにOSSのプロジェクトとして承認されました。
Press release:https://pr.fujitsu.com/jp/news/2023/09/15.html(Fujitsu), https://www.linuxfoundation.org/press/fujitsu-launches-automated-machine-learning-ai-fairness-open-source-projects (Linux Foundation), Original paper: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-87687-6_5 Github: https://github.com/intersectional-fairness2023.8.9 Our paper, "Towards Involving End-users in Interactive Human-in-the-loop AI Fairness," received the Best paper award 2022 from the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems.
2022年に出版した論文「Towards Involving End-users in Interactive Human-in-the-loop AI Fairness」がACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems のBest paper awardを受賞しました。
https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3615590 https://twitter.com/nkwyri/status/1641555571580231680?s=202023.7.27 At the international conference HCI International 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark, we presented an invited paper, "Stakeholder-in-the-Loop Fair Decisions: A Framework to Design Decision Support Systems in Public and Private Organizations."
デンマーク、コペンハーゲンで行われた国際会議 HCI International 2023にて、招待論文「Stakeholder-in-the-Loop Fair Decisions: A Framework to Design Decision Support Systems in Public and Private Organizations」の発表を行いました。
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-35969-9_32023.3.30 At the 28th annual meeting of the intelligent user interfaces (ACM IUI'23), we presented the paper "Towards Involving End-users in Interactive Human-in-the-loop AI Fairness."
国際会議 28th annual meeting of the intelligent user interfaces (ACM IUI'23) にて、論文「Towards Involving End-users in Interactive Human-in-the-loop AI Fairness」の発表を行いました。
https://twitter.com/nkwyri/status/1641555571580231680?s=202022.10.13 I appeared on ABEMA News' noon show, ABEMA Hills, to comment on the fairness of AI art.
ABEMA NEWSの昼の番組、ABEMAヒルズに出演し、AIアートの公平性についてコメントしました。
https://abema.tv/video/episode/89-71_s10_p39842022.8.6 The first single-authored Japanese book, THE HUMAN-AI DILEMMA: Theories of Technology towards the Era of Artificial Intelligence along with Humanity and Society (Chikura Shobo) was published.
nakao.yuri :) fujitsu.com (Change the smile to at-mark)