Yuri NAKAO - 中尾悠里

A principal researcher in AI Trust Research Center, Fujitsu Research, Fujitsu Limited.
A working Ph.D student in Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Univ. of Tokyo. (Supervisor: Prof. Yuko Fujigaki)
  I received my master's degree in the field of Science, Technology and Society (STS) with the research theme of The Interaction between Copyright System in Japan and Information Technology. Since then, I have been conducting research activities with an interest in how artifacts gain power and how people and society change in the interaction between humans (society) and artifacts (especially information technology).
  After completing my master's program, I joined Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. (integrated into Fujitsu Limited from FY2021). I have been involved in research and practical activities in the fields of machine learning, human-computer interaction (HCI), and STS.
  Since FY2021, I have been a member of Yuko Fujigaki's laboratory as a working Ph.D. student. I'm studying technology development processes using Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) in practice.
   After joining Fujitsu Laboratories, I mainly conducted the following research and development projects:

富士通株式会社 富士通研究所 AIトラスト研究センター所属
東京大学大学院総合文化研究科広域システム科学系 社会人博士課程所属(藤垣研究室)

科学技術社会論(STS: Science, Technology and Society)分野で藤垣裕子研究室に所属し、「日本の著作権制度による情報技術の受容の分析」という研究テーマで修士号を取得。以降、人間(社会)と人工物(特に情報技術)が相互作用する中で、人工物がどのように力を持ち、人間(社会)がどのように変化していくかに関心を持ち研究活動を行う。


2021年度より藤垣裕子研究室の社会人博士課程に所属。責任ある研究・イノベーション(Responsible Research & Innovation)を実践的に用いた技術開発プロセスを研究している。





nakao.yuri :) fujitsu.com (Change the smile to at-mark)